Before and After Examples

 Here's the home of a recent client who I helped out with getting organized. She told told me later than when her extended family was over for a BBQ she was so relaxed and confident about her backyard looking great, and that was one of the biggest compliments I could get! So glad she enjoys it!

Photos of Kitchen, backyard patio and office spaces (BEFORE AND AFTER)


1. BEFORE:  Yard with piles of items in various areas, in box against house, throughout patio area

2. AFTER: Gardening tools collected and organized in available containers.

3. AFTER: A great spot for a family BBQ! 

1. BEFORE: Lots of things in the den. 

2. AFTER: Categories to put everything, helping open up more space and a clear mind to do work!

1. BEFORE: Pantry wasn't using space wisely, and unorganized items (not categorized) Also threw out old expired items.

2. BEFORE: Corner wired basket overflowing

3. AFTER: Pantry organized and it's easier to plan recipes when you can find what you're looking for!

4. AFTER: Corner organized! We could fit so much MORE in the cabinets when we classified different foods and items, so that the basket made sense and the counter has MORE SPACE, TOO! <3
